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Old 25-05-2011, 01:02 AM   #244
Join Date: Jan 2011
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Default Re: Would legal venues stop hoons?

Originally Posted by Sezzy
If you actually sit back and think about it, it's not giving them a 'reward' for anything. It's giving both hoons and car enthusiasts (read us) a legal venue to attend, where the only people that we can harm is ourselves if something goes wrong.

there already are venues where people can get into this....oh its expensive and need to travel.....welcome to the real world, not everything is affordable or immediate.
Originally Posted by Sezzy
What did you did with those four candidates? Did you call the police? And if you did call the police, what did they say?.
Police are interested, say they will send a car down....couple of hours later a patrol van may come past. If I can give them rego, they promise to follow up with the culprits and that appears to stop them doing it again, but getting rego isnt always that easy unless one is outside at the time and twice as hard at night when you can only see one plate for a fraction of a sec.

Originally Posted by Sezzy

Your copybook is better than most? How the hell do you know? You don't know any of don't know our history, ...
If many claim to do say that they regularly do 10-15km/h over the limit, would drive with only one headlight if it failed, contribute to threads on how to beat rwc regs for exhausts and other items....then its a sure bet Id of thought.

Originally Posted by Sezzy
I think your concept of 'endangering others on the road' is a little far's a headlight, not a noose around someone's neck dragging them down the road.
Hmm, another one that doesnt appreciate why cars need two headlights, perhaps put an argument together on how the regulators have got this wrong and that it is perfectly safe to not light up the front corners of the car at night time, and that somone couldnt possibly end up poorly due to mistaking a car's overall postion because it only had one HEADLIGHT.........wont hold my breath on that one.

Originally Posted by Sezzy
I don't know if you read much, but burnouts, dragging, rallying are all past times that my father (who's now in his 60's) used to partake in. Australia has always had a car culture...
Yeh, it was a problem when Captain Cook arrived too ......, its strange that some people think that within their lifetime means always been happening.

Originally Posted by Sezzy
You think Capital punishment will work? In today's society? You're kidding right? The truth is it won't, as there is too much emphasis on 'rehabilitation'. Civil libertarians won't allow it, nor will the government.

Interesting you should think murder is one of those crimes done in come from Melbourne right, premeditated murder was rife there in the 90's, remember?
Perhaps you have misinterpreted my point here, I wasnt the one claiming that the behaviour of murderers and hoons could be put in the same basket, that was 302xc, nor did I advocate capital punishment.....but hasnt stopped you building strawmen before.

Perhaps you can provide the stats in the real world on premeditated murders and one's done otherwise?

Originally Posted by Sezzy
That thread was straight out political and you know it. Your emphasis on the word 'indiscretion' indicates your little conspiracy theorist mind has ticked over and suggested it wasn't an accident, that he was doing something stupid. Whatever the case may be, it was thirty years ago...Even if it wasn't an accident, people can and do change. I'm certainly not the same person I was ten years ago, not even the same person as I was 5 years ago...So it wasn't relevant, it appeared to be a witch hunt from where I sat. Trying to get your point across that the commissioner is a tool in your eyes and doesn't deserve the job...Do you think you could do better? Honestly...
Seems you missed the point of why I brought up Kieran Walsh in this thread. Here is someone who is now in charge of traffic and standing up giving messages about responsible behaviour and someone actually died at the hands of his poor driving......however it happened. So people have forgiven him and are not crying hypocrite and it was a long time ago? ok fair enough. But little me whose indiscretions(that didnt result in harm to anyone) occurred almost as long ago mean Im not allowed to comment on all the stupid things people do around here?....go figure.

Originally Posted by Sezzy
As has been questioned...why won't the government crack down on it...? The answer is money...the care isn't about them killing themselves, it would appear that they're just collateral damage in the scheme to make money...But feel free to prove me wrong on that one...
You want me to disprove govco conspiracy? ....I think we need some basis to establish something in the first place, fines to deter people from speeding, driving unroadworthy cars(hardly new), and other lawlessness....that's your evidence

Surely you arent siding with the wacko govco conspiracy theory and think the money goes into the pockets of the politicians themselves?.

Funny how you scared yourself doing a tad over the National Speed limit

Ben: suggest you find an early sixties australian car on crossplys, (take it on to a closed road/track somewhere that has less than a billiard table surface and see just how it reacts at 135km/h+)

Interesting that 35km/h over is just a tad for you, but I suppose you can tell me how many more metres your car needs to pull up from 135km/h than it does at 100km/h? or how what radius curve you can theoretically get the thing round at both speeds?

Last edited by sudszy; 25-05-2011 at 01:12 AM.
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