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Old 19-03-2011, 07:04 PM   #24
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 667
Default Re: Duck protester shot

Protesters are not allowed by law to go into the water at designated hunting places during specific times in order to avoid this very incident. However, for those on a moral crusade who are above the law (it would seem), a face full of shot pellets is a real risk. Lucky it wasn't at close range otherwise we'd have a fatality on our hands.

Personally, I haven't hunted ducks for over 15 years, but there's a certain allure to going out on a cold morning and bagging your own game, to be cooked on the Weber BBQ the next night etc. In a society of junk food, drive thru's, child obesity, plastic-wrapped everything, and mass produced tasteless gruel for the masses, I quite like the idea of going out and getting your it a fresh whiting from the bay or a quail or duck etc from the field.

Hunting used to be a noble pursuit, but alas, all but gone to the pressure of a sterile, politically correct world.
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