Originally Posted by bobthebilda
I have no information to doubt what you are saying Boss. However if i read you right, it just seems really odd, that in december they would be telling people they cant get their car until March, After all Burella was quoted as saying the following last November
Originally Posted by quote
The Ford plant is currently building between 270 and 280 units a day, says Burela, and the company is looking at ways of improving on that between now and the end of the year. He also said that while there are no non-production days for the plant this year -- or the next -- he's not yet quite so optimistic about Ford's sales over the next 12 months that the company will introduce overtime for its production staff.
"We have the ability and the flexibility to rebalance very quickly, if we need to, but at this point in time, we're very comfortable with where we are."
Obviusly the engineers at Ford need to put smaller tolerances on the words ability, flexibility and rebalance very quicklym when the specs are sent production planning.
There is a difference between planned breaks and unscheduled stoppages.
I recall that an A/C part on the back of the HID stopped the line for 10 days
or so in Jan/Feb (?) while it was rectified on already built vehicles.
Stuff like that where supplier problems prevent full availability really holds up orders.
I do agree with every one's assertions that Ford needs to build more car each month
but it's how they achieve that without making further disruptions is crucial to continued supply.
Ramping up suppliers is another issue that is crucial to a successful increase in output.
So many issues to get right but do that and the plant makes good income...