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Old 19-03-2010, 06:52 PM   #198
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
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Originally Posted by gunner
I don't understand how it's lying with facts. Could you explain your view?

I just don't like the way the government will grab some random fact from another country, then use that single fact to sell their ideas. I was trying to show that I could easily grab another fact from a similar country to make the opposite point; The Qld Gov says Sweden's reduction in the BAC helped reduced their road toll. I'm saying Norway's reduction in the BAC did not help reduce their road toll. We both have "facts" to back us up so who's right? Obviously the issue must be more complex.

Yes, lowering the BAC to 0.02 would lead to less people having a drink and driving (but not necessarily drink driving). As to whether that would correspond to a reduced death toll, I'm unconvinced. In the ideal world a BAC of 0.00 would apply, just as it does in the workplace, but culturally we will never place safety ahead of our social life.
If BAC was the major issue then those countries with lower than 0.05 would ALL be better than us and those with higher would ALL be worse. This is not the case.

Lowering the speed limit to 10km/h would almost completely remove the road toll. Evern those who fell asleep during the week long trek from Sydney to Melbourne and had a head on crash with someone who fell asleep going the other way would have a very good chance of driving away from the prang.

People who walk everywhere would see no problem with a 10km/h limit as in fact would probably support it as it would be fairly easy to run away from any car running amok with the driver asleep.

In the ideal world there would be no private cars at all as public transport would get you everywhere you want to go and the only reason you are forced to actually DRIVE is that there is no other way.

It is not like you actually LIKE driving and owning a car and it is part of your lifestyle.

Maybe YOUR lifestyle has to change, after all the speed limits on inner waterways are less than 10km/h and we don't have many boat crashes.

So do we put safety ahead of YOUR lifestyle..........
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