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Old 10-12-2009, 03:15 PM   #1
Long live the Falcon GT
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Default Epic Fail's - Car related....

Thread rules
-Post a photo you think is a bit of a fail
-Make sure it's got a motor
-Discuss the photo if you like, "oh that isn't a fail!" isn't necessary.
-Have a laugh, don't be rude your fellow members
-No off topic discussion
-No off topic discussion
-NO off topic discussion

I was just browsing around and found these 'FAILS' which you may or may not have seen...

*Idea came from that FULLY HEKTIC TAURUS* which is quite clearly a FAIL...*

My personal favourite is the old skool yank tank with the MASSIVE tree that has grown thru the engine bay....
Old Guy: "I was always planning on fixing that ol' girl up.... I guess time just got away from me...."


Last edited by wulos; 26-12-2011 at 01:15 PM.
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