Simple play the game and say yes you will buy today. Get his best price , nail him down a bit and get it written on his card or the notepad they work it out on with the dealer letter head.
If you like the price buy it. If not take the price he worked out and tell him you are going for a smoke and a coffee to discuss it. If you want to do better go to another yard.
What is the worst they can do if you say you will buy today , get the price and dont buy it? They are not going to chase you and shoot you.
Face it car sales people are tossers that are in it for themselves , not to help you out. It is a game and you have to dance with them to get the result you want.
It is not hard to suss out the cars price you are looking at and find a rough trade in figure on yours. You should be going in knowing roughly what you are looking at spending , and just need to tidy it up.