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Old 05-01-2008, 09:08 AM   #20
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
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Btw when was the last time u talked down the chick at woolies for cheaper cornflakes
That's a very valid point. I think the retail auto industry is much more competitive than the supermarkets though. There may be lots of supermarkets around but there is only a few owners eg Woolies, Coles, IGA.
In car sales they have to compete with many different brands and also second hand. Plus the salesman works on commission, the checkout chick doesnt. She will get paid whether you buy it or not. When you go into a new car yard, you have to ask the price of the car, and the salesman returns with conditions like will you buy it today, do you have a trade-in, do you have a trade-in that I can sell easy etc. So it's often the car yards themselves that promote the haggle.
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R.I.P. Jarrad 22/05/83 - 08/12/02
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